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It is good for women’s economic security, it is good for the economy
April 2024

In recent years, there has been some progress in achieving improved financial security for women, but many challenges remain to enhance the economic well-being of Australian women. There are a range of policy initiatives that are still yielding benefits for women but there are other reforms that are essential if these gains are to be built upon.

The focus of this Discussion Paper is:

  • to canvas the implementation of measures that will encourage and assist women to complete their vocational training and studies.
  • the aim of this is to tap the pool of women who have partially untaken training and studies and for whatever reason, have not completed those courses. If successful, the reforms would build the skills of women which in turn will enhance their prospects for long term, skilled and well paying jobs.
  • It is a reform that adds to the labour supply and skill set of the workforce at a demand when labour shortages are acute.

At the outset, it is important to note that skilled employment associated with higher workforce participation, higher pay and higher superannuation contributions all of which enhances economic security.

Successful implementation of such reforms would have the macroeconomic advantage of adding to skills in many sectors of the economy where there are persistent shortages of workers. Expectations are for many of these shortages to persist given population and other demographic changes within the Australian economy.

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