The more parents of young children access childcare, the greater are the economic and financial benefits to women and to the economy as a whole. There is a huge volume of academic and other research from around the world that shows this to be the case. Affordable and accessible childcare also has a strong and significant positive long term impact on the economy in terms of higher workforce participation and stronger productivity.Affordable and accessible childcare also has a strong and significant positive long run impact on the economy in terms of higher workforce participation and stronger productivity.
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A gender lens on economic policy including in the budget:
Policy reform is essential when addressing gender imbalances and improving the economic security and wellbeing of Australian women. Policy changes are often made through legislation and the removal of impediments to women having the same opportunities as men in all aspects of work and society.Policy reform is essential when addressing gender imbalances and improving the economic security and wellbeing of Australian women.
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Workplace Flexibility increases Workforce Participation:
Workplace flexibility as a means to improve the economic security of women increases the opportunities for women to undertake an optimal amount of paid work. By applying workplace flexibility to the workforce universally, it will increase female workforce participation through a greater share in unpaid work and care.“Flexibility, as with gender equality, is good for everyone”
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